PySketcher Geometric Solver

  • Writing a Geometric Solver in Python - Part 3: Fixing our line

    I describe, over the series, how to implement a geometric solver in Python. In this article we take the existing model and upgrade our `Line` object to use `ConstrainedValue`. In so doing, we remove a chunk of duplicated code, and implementing a generic `__repr__` method and a generic `__init__` method at the `ConstraintSet` level.

  • Writing a Geometric Solver in Python - Part 2: More Modelling

    I describe, over the series, how to implement a geometric solver in Python. In this article we take the model from part one and extend it to allow constraints between higher order objects such as `Line` and `Circle`.

  • Writing a Geometric Solver in Python - Part 1: Modelling Constraints

    I describe, over the series, how to implement a geometric solver in Python. In this article we look at how we might represent a set of geometric relationships in a class hierarchy. We partially implement this for a `Point`object, and consider the developer experience.